Guidelines for cataract remote care, funded by ZonMw

Tags: #Human #Medizinisch #Nachrichten #Technologie

We have previously reported on the rise in cataract surgeries worldwide. Correspondingly, teleconsultation utilization is becoming increasingly common with the aim of lowering the postoperative burden on both the patients and the healthcare providers by saving follow-up visits at outpatient clinics, improving efficiency, and lowering costs. The use of digital measurements, such as the easee eye exam, is not designed to replace the care pathway nor is it meant to change it entirely. At easee, online assessments are seen as an aid in assisting medical professionals and making care more accessible and easier for the patients.

doctor sitting by computer

With the realization that the need for online postoperative care is becoming essential, detailed guidelines for remote care have been investigated. The NOG recommends incorporating the use of remote testing in follow-up visits after cataract surgery. ZonMW has been working on various projects in different healthcare sector organizations since January 2022. A new guideline module has recently been published, also highlighting how to responsibly integrate effective applications of remote care into specialist medical care.

video call

The digital tool, as an application in the postoperative diagnosis of the cataract patient, is viewed as safe and reliable. 60% of patients realize the benefits and would like to see more of them in the future (as reported by the Dutch Federation of Medical Specialists in section 13).

Reduced travel time and the convenience of scheduling (video) call consultations are only some of the advantages noted. Also, (video) call consultations are experienced to be calmer than a consultation in the hospital. The good news is that with all the benefits being recognised by patients, professionals and regulators, we are likely to see more remote care incorporated into various care pathways. Watch this space for more updates!

Nurse consulting a patient

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