Largest health insurance company of Netherlands starts reimbursing online eye exam easee in 2021

Tags: #Partners #Publikacje

(Press Release)

Amsterdam, January 2021 – Netherlands’ largest health insurer Zilveren Kruis and the Dutch startup easee are entering into a partnership for the use of easee’s online exam test. Agreements have now been made with employers in the energy sector, financial sector and industry. Vision problems often occur in these sectors and can lead to absenteeism, reduced productivity and work safety issues. Employees who are collectively insured through these employers are reimbursed for an online eye test from their supplementary insurance.

Zilveren Kruis offers Work-related Care and has investigated together with employers which health issues are relevant in specific sectors. Based on this research Zilveren Kruis decided to include additional reimbursements as part of the collective insurance policy. With the collaboration between easee and Zilveren Kruis, vision problems are quickly identified on the basis of the online eye test. The costs of a new prescription for spectacles are reimbursed for insured persons aged 18 to 45.

Jan-Willem Evers, director of Zilveren Kruis: “In the energy sector, the financial sector and in industry, visibility problems have a significant impact on labor productivity. We offer this accessible solution to make policyholders feel better in their working environment. ”

Yves Prevoo, CEO of easee: “Research shows that the impact of uncorrected refractive errors can reduce performance on the work floor by up to 20% due to vision problems. We are delighted that the largest health insurer in the Netherlands wants to tackle this problem with us and offers reimbursement for it. Our mission is to make clear vision easily accessible to everyone. This proves that we are on the right track. „

easee developed their proprietary platform in close cooperation with UMC Utrecht and in line with the requirements of the European Commission. Research proving easee’s online refraction test is as accurate as an in person exam has last year been published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. The easee test is the world’s first CE certified online eye test.

easee continues to develop its software, and is looking into applying the technology to other areas, providing the world with a comprehensive digital platform for online eye tests. 


(end of press release)

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