Dr. Robert Wisse’s take on the paradigm shift in cataract & refractive care

Tags: #Medical #Publicaties


Last week Dr. Robert Wisse spoke at The European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) congress to thousands of Ophthalmologists from 130 countries on how online eye exams are helping to shape the future of eye care.

The ESCRS society promotes education and research in the field of implant and refractive surgery to advance the study and practice of ophthalmology. Dr.Robert Wisse is Assistant Professor and Ophthalmologist at UMC Utrecht (Netherlands) with subspecialisation in corneal pathology and surgery, including corneal transplantation.

Robert: ‘We are living in a period of transition, where familiar services and institutions pave way for novel technologies. Increased access 24/7 and tailored services are becoming the norm. What about healthcare? A highly regulated industry, defined by the personal contact between patient and doctor?’

The COVID-19 pandemic painfully underlined what the results are of poor access to healthcare; people not getting the care that they need. A paradigm shift is needed to cater for this anticipated surge in healthcare demands, and technology will inevitably play an important role.

Tele-monitoring and digital health are not abstract concepts for the far future. In his presentation Robert shares his view on how digitization in eyecare can be made possible in the near future. Download Robert’s full presentation on the latest development in digital eye health.

Rendendo la cura degli occhi accessibile a tutti.


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Avete uno smartphone, insieme a un computer portatile (o un tablet), e 3 metri di spazio?

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Fantastico! Siamo quasi pronti. Solamente un'altra cosa.

Avete la vostra attuale prescrizione (occhiali o lenti a contatto) a portata di mano?

● La vostra prescrizione alimenta i vostri accessori ottici. I nostri optometristi usano la vostra vecchia prescrizione come riferimento per convalidarvi una nuova.

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