Are your contacts still correct? Do the test

Tags: #Medical #Technology

At easee, we want to make accurate eyewear prescriptions accessible for everyone, across the world, at any time. We’ve just come one step closer towards this goal with our newest feature: Contact lens wearers can now check their prescriptions as well. The new test can be done with your contacts inserted. easee makes testing your eyes regularly more convenient than ever.

Recently, a study conducted at the Utrecht Medical Center validated that the easee online eye test is as accurate as a test done by an optometrist. We took this proven concept to the next level and developed our technology further. Contact lens users can now also test their eyes for a new prescription – while wearing their contacts.

A popular item for online shoppers

The online sales of glasses are just starting to take off, where as many contact lens users are already regularly ordering their refills on the web. Glasses are a bigger investment so shoppers might hesitate to buy a pair they couldn’t see and feel on their own face. Contacts, though, are a commodity and once people have found a brand they like, they often stick to it. The internet makes it easy to compare prices and find the best deal. It’s convenient to have your supply of lenses delivered to your front door in just a few clicks – and re-ordering is even easier. There is one integral step missing in this streamlined process: frequent eye testing.

Inconvenience prevents users getting tested

Going to a store for an eye test can lead to extra costs (and a potentially awkward conversation with a shop assistant) – because the test is usually only free together with a purchase. Additionally, clients are required to remove their contacts for quite some time prior to the test, so the eye has time to regain its original state. That’s why many customers don’t even bother, and just re-order contacts with the same correction values over and over again.

Well-adjusted contacts for a better well-being

So, what’s the problem? The condition of our eyes can change over time. Therefore, it’s likely that, after a while, the contacts are not compatible any more. Wearing contact lenses with the wrong prescription can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as discomfort around the eyes, headaches and reduced vision. It’s advisable to get your eyes tested regularly in order to safeguard your overall well-being.

Confirm current contacts or adjust prescription

With the new easee feature, procrastinating the next eye test is not necessary anymore. Before placing a new order for contact lenses, customers can quickly check their sight while wearing their current prescription lenses at home, in front of their computer. easee’s proven algorithm and an experienced optometrist check the user’s vision with their current prescription and tell the user if they need an adjustment. With the new prescription values, the user can be sure to get the best possible experience when using their new batch of lenses.

Do you already order your contact lenses online? Do the easee test and see if you’re still ordering the right correction.


Rendre les soins de la vue accessible à tout le monde.


Avant de commencer, nous avons 3 petites questions.

Le test de la vue dure environ 20 minutes (du début à la fin). Est-ce un bon moment pour commencer ?

● Vous ne perdrez pas de temps dans vos déplacements ou dans une salle d'attente. Les seules minutes passées sont incluses dans le test lui-même

Nous sommes heureux d'apprendre que vous n'êtes pas préssé(e). Cela va améliorer les résultats.

Avez-vous un smartphone, ainsi qu'un ordinateur (ou une tablette), et 3 mètres d'espace ?

● Votre smartphone fonctionnera comme une télécommande et sera utilisé avec un ordinateur (ou une tablette) pour effectuer le test de la vue en-ligne.

Génial ! Nous sommes presque prêts à commencer. Il ne reste plus qu'une chose.

Avez-vous sous la main votre ordonnance (lunettes ou lentilles) actuelle ?

● Votre correction alimente vos accessoires optiques. Nos optométristes utilisent votre ordonnance actuelle en tant que référence pour vous en fournir une nouvelle.

Effectuer le test maintenant, ou l'enregistrer pour plus tard ?

De notre expérience, nous vous conseillons de prendre votre temps avec le test de la vue en-ligne pour optimiser vos résultats. Nous pouvons vous envoyer un lien par e-mail pour continuer lorsque vous serez prêt.

    Si vous voulez le faire maintenant, ou si vous êtes tout simplement curieux, pas de problème.


    Parfait, nous sommes prêts !

    ...redirection vers l'examen