Can anyone take the online test?
To get a validated prescription
Individuals in age group 18 – 45 years with common refractive errors: Myopia, hypermetropia and Astigmatism can get a validated prescription from easee.
a. If you want to update your current prescription you will need to know your current prescription values and you should be able to wear your contacts or glasses during the exam.
Glasses & Contacts – To get an updated prescription from easee, your current prescription should be in the range
- SPH → (-)10D to (+)10D
- CYL → (-)6D to (+)6D, Any AXIS
b. If you never had an eyewear prescription before, then you can take the easee online exam and check your eyes for the first time. Then if needed, our optometrists will issue your first prescription.
However our optometrists hold the right to not prescribe a prescription. This can be based on a user’s exam result, their feedback on health questionnaire and optometrists’ medical judgement. In this case, we advise you to visit your doctor’s office for an in-person consultation.
The test is not intended for people with presbyopia and or amblyopia. Also, if you use hard contact lens, bifocals, damaged or colored glass, have had eye or laser surgery, have painful or irritated eyes, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have other certain comorbidities, including diabetes, our optometrists cannot issue a prescription.
The test is not intended as a substitute for a full eye health exam. The test includes a short health questionnaire to make sure you are eligible for an online eye exam. Based on your test results, an optometrist will determine your final eligibility status for receiving an updated prescription from us.
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